Intent statement


Lyndhurst Community Primary School



At Lyndhurst Community Primary School, we use the Language Angels scheme of work to ensure we offer a relevant, broad, and vibrant Spanish curriculum. As the second most spoken language in the world, with over 460 million native speakers, it allows children the opportunity to engage with the language beyond the classroom.  

The school vision ‘Support, Challenge, Inspire’ is interwoven within our MFL curriculum intent and design. Our curriculum is designed with three goals in mind: 



Through the carefully structured and differentiated lessons provided by the Language Angels scheme, we ensure that all learners, regardless of their starting point, feel supported in their language journey. Learning is progressively built upon each year with regular opportunities for repetition and practice through a scheme that is designed to revisit, reinforce and extend prior knowledge. We support children in developing their listening, writing, reading, and speaking skills, providing them with the tools and practice they need to build confidence in a new language encouraging children to take pride in their growing abilities in Spanish.  



In MFL we are challenging pupils to step out of their comfort zones by learning a second, unfamiliar language, encouraging them to engage with new vocabulary, structures, and cultural perspectives. The progressive nature of the Language Angels scheme allows for the development of vocabulary, grammar and their understanding of different cultures in ways that become more challenging as they move through KS2. The ongoing challenge of learning a new language fosters resilience and a growth mindset, as children are encouraged to take risks and embrace mistakes as part of their learning. 



Our MFL curriculum is designed to inspire a love for language and culture among pupils with the ultimate aim that they will feel willing and able to continue studying languages beyond KS2. The Language Angels scheme uses a wide variety of topics and themes as well as interactive lessons and hands-on activities to engage and motivate children. This allows them to practice their skills actively, helping them feel more connected to the language and ignites a passion for learning more about Spanish and the world around them.


Spanish Knowledge Progression

Spanish Skills Progression