Our indoor learning environment.....
Our outdoor learning environment.....
Reception Key Information
Reception Teaching Staff :
Mrs McConnell - Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
Mrs Fowler- Thursday and Friday
Mrs Thackeray - Nursery teacher
Reception Support Staff :
Mrs Greenwood, Mrs Johnson, Miss Scholes, Mrs Abbas
Our learning last term...
Start and finish times:
Reception starts at 8:45 am and finishes at 3:15 pm. At the start of each day children self register by writing their name independently, please support them by practising this activity at home. If you would like a copy of the name card they use in school for use at home, please just ask.
Class Dojo:
Please check Class Dojo regularly as we often send messages, updates and photographs. The class page will show what we have been learning each week and will provide important information about trips and additional activities within school. You can also contact staff easily with a message on Class Dojo if you have any questions or worries. If you need help connecting on Class Dojo please ask Mrs McConnell or Mrs Fowler.
Children will be provided with a healthy snack each day which they are able to choose to eat when they are hungry. There is no need to send a snack or drink in for your child in Reception class. Water is available all day for the children to access independently.
Children will be provided with a free school dinner each day. You are able to order meals for your children in advance to ensure they will be happy to eat what they have chosen. There is also a salad bar which the children can choose for extra food to go with their main meal.
Reception Curriculum coverage- Stay up to date with our learning this year!!
Autumn 1 - All About Me
Autumn 2 - Autumn/Celebrations
Spring 1 - Winter/Journeys
Spring 2 - Animal Kingdom
Summer 1 - Growth
Summer 2 -Traditional Tales
This term we are learning all about arctic animals for our topic. Our main focus texts in Literacy are 'The Storm Whale in Winter' and 'Hello Penguin' although we also share several other stories each day. We are up to phase 3 in phonics and starting to read and write CVCC words, In our maths lessons we are counting to 20, comparing and ordering numbers and thinking about shapes and measures.
PE Day : Autumn 1 – Thursday
Autumn 2 – Thursday
Spring 1 – Thursday
Spring 2 – Thursday
Summer 1 – Thursday
Summer 2 – Thursday
On their PE day, children are to come to school dressed in their PE kits for the lesson. For PE, children need: white T-shirt, black shorts and black pumps/trainers that they can fasten themselves. If it is cold weather, children are welcome to wear their school jumper or cardigan over their PE shirt.
Reading Books: Our reading focus day will be Thursday. Please ensure your child brings their book bag to school every Thursday and they will bring a new reading book and guided reading book home each week.
Library Books: Please bring in your child’s library book every Friday. On Friday afternoons the children visit our school library and choose a new book to take home for the week.
Useful Links:
https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/resources Phonics Phase 1 and 2
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RFp_k_0qKvk Early Writing
https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/school-radio/nursery-rhymes-a-to-z-index/z4ddgwx Nursery Rhymes
https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/3-5-years/counting Maths Counting Games
https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/early-years/ White Rose Maths