Welcome to our class page! 


Our class are really lucky this year to have the support of several adults. Our class teacher is Miss Morgan and our teaching assistant is Mrs Bayliss. Mrs Shaw is our lunchtime supervisor and will also help a little in class too. 


The school day starts at 8.45am which will begin with registration and arithmetic practice. Please ensure your children arrive promptly as every part of the working day is important and essential for the children's overall education. Children who arrive after 9am will be recorded as late. 

Timings of the day have got back to the original timetable.  Break is at 10.15-10.30 and lunch 12.20-1:05. However please still ensure your child has a good breakfast and is provided with a healthy snack of fruit or vegetables. Additionally, children can bring a reusable water bottle. 


Our PE days are Monday and Tuesday. Children still require a full PE kit: white top and black short or joggers and spare trainers. 

Reading at home and homework:

Children should be reading daily, they have access to library books as well our new selection of reading books from our reading corner. Children who struggle with reading will still benefit from reading with an adult even though they are now in Year 6. Children have access and logins to these three sites which they can use for continuous practise. You are also welcome to get your children SATs practise books, we recommend CGP SATs revision books.  







This year, SATs week will take place on the week beginning Monday 12th May 2025. 


 Throughout the week, please ensure that your child arrives at school, on time - they should be in their classroom promptly at 8:40. It is really important that your child arrives on time as all the Year 6 children will be sharing a breakfast together. This will allow them to physically and mentally prepare themselves to ensure that they will be ready to confidently approach the tests. 


What are we learning:

Maths - We will be continuing our learning through the White Rose Scheme. We will be learning about: fractions, decimals, percentages, ratio, area, volume and perimeter.

English - This term the stimulus for our writing is from the book 'Can we save the tiger?' We will be writing a non-chronological report and writing to persuade.

Science-This term in science we are learning about classification and evolution and inheritance. 




Other information:

Many Year 6s begin to start to walk home alone this year, please let me know if this is the case with your child, for safety reasons I understand that children may wish to bring a mobile phone in for this reason. These must be handed in to me at the start of the day and will be stored in a lockable drawer. 

We communicate through Class Dojo if you need me do not hesitate to drop me a message.