Nursery Class Teacher - Mrs Thackeray    Reception Class Teachers - Mrs Fowler & Mrs McConnell 
Teaching Assistants - Miss Johnson & Mrs Greenwood
Lunch Time Supervisor - Mrs Chard

Start and finish times:

Nursery starts at 8:40am.
If your child is part time, they will finish at 11:40am.
Full time children finish at 2:40pm.


Class Dojo:

Please check Class Dojo regularly as we often send messages, updates and pictures out on there. If you need us please also don’t hesitate to send us a message.



Children will be provided with a healthy snack and access to water during the day.



Full time children will need to bring a packed lunch to school however if you would prefer your child to have a school dinner, you can pay and order using Parent Pay. 


Reading Books:

 Nursery children will be able to pick a story book to take home every week to read with their family. We will be giving each child a reading journal to keep any comments in and so we can hear all about your reading journey.



Useful Links:   Phonics Phase 1   Nursery Rhymes    Maths Counting Games


Autumn 1 - All About Me
Autumn 2 - Autumn Celebrations
Spring 1 - Winter and Water
Spring 2 - Animals
Summer 1 - Growth
Summer 2 - Journeys


Spring 2


This half term our Topic is Animals. Our focussed texts are Monkey and Me and Roar. We will be learning about about animals and will finish our topics with a trip to the zoo. In maths, we will learning all about '5' and '6' and Make comparisons between objects relating to size, length, weight and
capacity. . The theme for our indoor role play is 'Shopping' and the outdoor role play is a 'Police Station'. 


Our Classroom

Our learning from last term........

The REAL Project

At Lyndhurst we are proud be part of the REAL project. The REAL project is a parent partnership programme which aims to raise early achievement in literacy. Last half term we went on an environmental print walk to our local church, where  we looked at Christmas trees that had been decorated as different nursery rhymes. Our EYFS unit entered  a tree decorated as 'Incy Wincy Spider'. Following our trip to the church, we visited our REAL project families. We read an Incy Wincy Spider book, which the children could keep and then made props from the rhyme and instruments out of junk modelling material. Our REAL project event for this half term is a production of 'Party Time' by the theatre company 2 Boards and a Passion. Parents and younger siblings are welcome.