Reading Environment

Reading Environments at Lyndhurst

We have worked tirelessly to ensure our children have calming and engaging reading areas/displays in an attempt to promote a love of reading and a positive reading culture amongst our students. We have sourced hundreds of books for both Key Stage 1 and 2 libraries through various funding streams such as our 'Reading for Pleasure' project for example, ensuring we have a broad and balanced range of different and diverse authors, text types, and genres.  Take a look at these environments below!


Classroom reading areas

Each classroom has a designated space to encourage children to want to read. We have sourced hundreds of books for both Key Stage 1 and 2 libraries through various funding streams such as our 'Amazon Wish-list'. This enabled us to inject new released and ensure we have a broad and balanced range of different and diverse authors, text types, and genres. Pupils also enjoyed having the opportunity to support either their current class's library or their future classes library. Some classes were lucky enough to obtain twenty additional books. 


Outdoor Reading Areas

We have begun creating outdoor reading areas for both EYFS and KS1. These provide a calm, comfortable and above all dry, space for children to indulge in a book.  Books in the areas are rotated at half-termly intervals and linked to the curriculum. These areas are monitored by our Reading Champions who are responsible for the up-keep of the areas.


School Entrance Area

In our main corridor we have a display of books from the 'Little People, Big Dreams' collection which closely aligns with our school value 'Inspire'. Here you will also find out new Book Vending Machine where children have the opportunity to win a free book to keep! This can be won termly through our Reading for Pleasure challenges, from weekly assembly awards and for taking part in reading associated school competitions.


We are currently in the process of securing a "Book Swap Shed" - watch this space for more information