Welcome to Year 4. Our teacher is Miss Hartney and our teaching assistant is Mrs Jones.
Our midday assistant is Mrs Robinson.
The school day starts at 8.45am when children enter from the KS2 playground and come straight into class and complete their morning work. The school door closes at 9:00am. This is also a time where we work on any misconceptions from the previous day so this first 15 minutes of the day is a vital time to revise skills learnt and correct any errors so being on time is crucial.
Children can be collected from the KS2 playground at 3.15pm. Please allow them to walk to the main playground area with their class so they can be safely dismissed, if they go home without a teacher knowing it can cause worry.
We communicate regularly through Class Dojo, please check regularly for updates and reminders and use this to let us know if there are any issues you would like help with.
Homework is sent home on a Friday and needs to be back in school by the following Wednesday.
This half term we are studying:
Maths: Place Value.
English: Character description / diary / narrative about the book 'Journey'.
Science: Classification.
History: Romans in Britain.
Geography: Where does our food come from?
RE: What does it mean to be a Hindu in Britain today?
Spanish: Presenting myself.
Computing: Internet Safety and Computing Systems and Networks: the internet.
PE: OAA and Basic skills.
Music: Whole class instruments: South America.
Art: Drawing: Power Prints.
Our P.E days are Thursday and Friday.
PE Kit This is important because the children get changed for both hygiene and safety reasons. They need white t-shirt, black shorts and trainers or pumps.
They can also have black jogging bottoms for outdoor PE if they wish.
Children can come into school with their PE kits on.
For safety reasons jewellery should not be worn during PE lessons this includes ear rings.
Snack Time
We encourage healthy eating in school and as such all snacks for break time must be healthy options. The children are not allowed to have crisps or chocolate etc at break time. Thank you for your continued support on this.
All the children have been allocated a reading book based on the results of school reading assessments which will be reviewed on an on going basis. This book can be changed on a Friday. It is vital that you read with your child regularly to ensure they make progress, increase their confidence in all areas and studies at home show that it is excellent for well being.
As you will already be aware we have our Reading Challenge ongoing in school as well as our new Book Vending Machine! Please sign your child's reading record when you read with them. Please see the school reading page for further details.
Keep up the good work!
Multiplication Check
After Year 4 in order to be able to access the correct level of Maths learning it is vital that the children know their Times Table. To support with this, the Government have introduced a nation wide tables test which your child will take in June 2025. To support them with their learning it would be great if you can practice times tables with them regularly. Thank you.
Great websites to support learning
Times Tables Rockstars and Purple Mash
All children have access to TT Rockstars to support their tables practice and Purple Mash to support all areas of the curriculum.
BBC Bitesize has fantastic lessons which can support for topic based home work!
TT Rockstars is brilliant for practising times tables skills, the children have their own login for this.
Here is a website to practice for the Multiplication Tables Check for year 4 in June: