Computing Intent


At Lyndhurst Community Primary School, we recognize our unique school environment and have designed our Computing curriculum to ensure that students build a solid foundation, preparing them to become successful and ambitious professionals with the ability to use a wide variety of computing skills in their every day lives.

The school vision ‘Support, Challenge, Inspire’ is interwoven within our Computing curriculum intent and design. The breadth of our curriculum is designed with three goals in mind:


In Computing we want to inspire our children by making it relatable, fun and accessible so that they develop a lasting interest in technology and its possibilities. We do this by making our lessons interactive and using hands-on activities such as programmable robots, coding games and interactive software making learning feel like play. We demonstrate real-world applications so that the children understand how Computing is used in everyday life. The children will understand what careers there are in technology as we invite guest speakers in from the tech industry to share their experiences. Computing is interwoven within the curriculum integrating concepts across different subject areas such as data analysis in Maths and digital storytelling in English.


In Computing we challenge our children so that they develop their critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and gain a deeper understanding of technology. We do this with progressive learning. For instance, we start with a basic concept such as simple coding, and then we gradually move to more advanced topics like algorithms, debugging and data structures. Often children will engage in problem-solving tasks to solve puzzles, logic games, or coding tasks that require them to think critically and apply their knowledge creatively. Our children are introduced to advanced tools and platforms such as Scratch, robots or micro:bits which provide new challenges and opportunities for learning. By incorporating these strategies, we create a stimulating and challenging learning environment that fosters a deeper understanding and a love for Computing amongst our children.


In Computing we provide our children with the right resources, encouragement and guidance to help them to thrive and stay safe in the digital world. We foster an inclusive and supportive classroom environment where every child feels comfortable exploring Computing. We encourage questions and celebrate all efforts and achievements, regardless of skill level. We scaffold learning by breaking down complex concepts into smaller, manageable steps. We provide clear instructions, examples and guided practise to help our children to build their skills progressively. Our lessons are tailored to meet the diverse needs of pupils. We offer different levels of challenges and provide additional support for those who need it. Collaboration is encouraged with projects, where students can learn from one another and support each other whilst at the same time enhancing teamwork skills a. Persistence and resilience is a large part of our Computing lessons. Children understand that it is good to make mistakes and that persistence is key in learning Computing encouraging a growth mindset and resilience in the face of challenges.


Computing Curriculum Aims

In Computing we aim to equip our children with the foundational skills and understanding needed to thrive in a technology-driven world. Our Computing curriculum is based around the Teach Computing scheme using some of the Purple Mash resources.

We aim to:

Digital Literacy: Ensure our children are confident and competent in using digital technologies. This includes understanding how to use a range of software and devices, navigating the internet safely, and understanding the basics of online communication.

Computational Thinking: Develop our pupils’ ability to think logically and analytically. This includes problem-solving, pattern recognition, abstraction, and algorithmic thinking, which are fundamental skills in Computing and other areas of learning.

Programming Skills: Teach our children the basics of coding and programming. This includes understanding algorithms, creating and debugging simple programs, and using coding languages suitable for their age and skill level.

Understanding Computer Systems: Introduce children to the basic concepts of how computer systems work. This includes understanding hardware and software components, networks, and the internet.

Creative Use of Technology: Encourage pupils to use technology creatively to design, create, and share digital content. This can involve digital art, animations, games, and multimedia presentations.

Internet Safety: Equip our children with the knowledge and skills to navigate the digital world safely and responsibly. This includes fostering an understanding of the potential risks and benefits of internet use, teaching children how to recognise and respond to online dangers such as cyberbullying, inappropriate content, and stranger interactions. Additionally, we will emphasise the importance of protecting personal information, understanding digital footprints, and promoting respectful online behaviour.

Problem-Solving and Collaboration: Foster collaborative skills and problem-solving abilities through group projects and activities that require teamwork and the use of technology to find solutions.

Awareness of the Impact of Technology: Help children understand the broader impact of technology on society, the environment, and various industries. This includes discussions on ethical issues, such as data privacy and the digital divide.

Encouraging Curiosity and Enjoyment: Inspire a love for learning and curiosity about how technology works. Encourage children to explore and experiment with different aspects of computing, fostering a lifelong interest in the subject.


By achieving these aims, we will be helping our children to develop essential skills and knowledge, setting them up for success in an increasingly digital world.