
“Creativity takes courage.”

— Henri Matisse



At Lyndhurst Community Primary School, we engage, inspire and challenge our pupils through art, craft and design by introducing them to a broad range of techniques, materials and artists, craftspeople and designers.

Our school vision ‘Support, Challenge, inspire’ is interwoven within our Art and Design Curriculum intent and has been designed with these three goals at the very heart.



We want our children to know that they are artists, craftspeople and designers. We inspire them by offering opportunities to appreciate the work of various artists from traditional to modern and contemporary. We have thought carefully about our locality and refer to local practising artists throughout our curriculum.



In Art and Design, we challenge our children by equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design. Through their progression of skills and techniques we enable them to be authentic and explore their own individuality and identity.



We encourage our children to think critically, to become independent artists, craft makers and designers, to know and understand the creative process, to ask themselves the right questions and to be able to accept praise and take advice from their peers in equal measures.  Assessment in the art curriculum is a holistic process after all ‘There is no right or wrong in Art’. We support our children to be confident in their choices and to understand they will not always be happy with the outcome and how these ‘happy accidents’ can further enhance their creative process and deepen their learning. Where possible we make links to other areas of the curriculum in meaningful, engaging and enriching ways with a firm focus on the knowledge and skills within our progression documents.



Art and Design Skills and knowledge Progression